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R E S I D E N T A L  D E S I G N





This hand drafted project was catered to a client that loved doing morning yoga. Which is why the floor plan of this residence looks very rectangular like a yoga matt. The goal of this project was to cater to my clients every day routine and in her case she does yoga once in the morning and once at night. So with that being said I made a very spacious layout for her to do that in. The concept of this floor plan was to convey what the pressure points would be on a yoga matt when you are in a downward dog position, this is why the roof slope of the house is on a 30 degree angle to represent the way your body is when you are in the position. 

S U B U R B A N  D E S I G N

This residential design is very compact yet very functional. The ways in which this home was designed was to use the space effectively, distinguishing the private and public zones within the house and ensure that they act as such. Thus creating a space that is designed to its fullest potential using every square inch effectively. 

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